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Since our beginning, TAMHEED has been totally focused on building a strategic and quality services

A Saudi boutique founded with goals, visions, and ambitions to be a leading consulting boutique in the field of management consulting, and to provide its services using new methodologies with a modern and advanced practical philosophies. Additionally, the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 has a great influence in the establishment of TAMHEED, which inspires us to have its services in line with technical, economical, organizational, and administrative progress of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TAMHEED boutique aiming to be one of the success factors in the consulting industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to have an influential regional presence.


TAMHEED includes an integrated team of all disciplines with the highest educational and practical expertise. The experiences of the team is equivalent to 50 years gained from the majority of industries within Saudi Arabian and Middle Eastern industries 


Our team includes specialists in public administration, strategic planning, human capital development, financial studies, and assessing and developing the performance of organizations and individuals.


We also include consultants from all disciplines available in the Saudi market to meet the needs of clients and accomplish all projects available as per the client expectations


Our Vision

Our Desire

We pave all paths toward success

Our Mission

Our Aim

Providing the easiest scientific solutions without complication, taking into account the time factor for the client to reach the desired outcome quickly and efficiently

Our Values

Our Principals

We provide clarity

We deliver quality

We pave struggle


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